J.E.T is held on Fridays, this is a great way for the children to put into practise the Bledisleo 3 R's ( respect, responsibility and resilience.) Expectations are set at the start of the session and then the children explain at the end how they tried to me the expectations.
Zariah, Samuel and Haruto enjoying the woodwork table. The old fashioned hand drills provide lots if discussion about how to make them work. |
Keira -Leigh loves the bubble blowing. |
Our sound of the week this week has been "Mm"
Our word of the week has been "look"
Maths learning is about recognising and practising writing the numbers to 5, then 10.
Readers have been coming home each night, the children are really enjoying reading sessions and they are all trying so hard to point to the words as they say them. This is called 1 to 1 matching.
Enjoy the week ahead