Friday, 16 August 2013

Week Three

I say it each week, but what a busy learning week we have had. The children are all trying hard to learn the word of the week and their bank of known sight words is increasing. These sight words are so important in the process of learning how to read and to write.

The children enjoyed walking around as a class during Spooner Shield day, having a look at some of the games and how busy our school grounds were. We then came back to class and discussed what we had seen before we began to write about this.

It is wonderful to have Emma Woods, a student teacher from Victoria University working in our room. The children (and myself) are enjoying having another teacher in the room.

Below I have included some photos of the children sharing some of the activities we do to reinforce learning of the sound and word of the week.
Karnia has made playdough numbers.

Dylan has matched magnetic letters to word outlines

Isabelle and Lucy are using the computers to help their reading skills.

Wade has completed a worksheet and is pasting it into his word book.

School photos will be taken on Tuesday, if you wish to purchase these, payment must be given to Sharyn on Monday.

Next week our word of the week is 'went.'
The sound of the week is 'a'
Our maths focus is numbers to 10 or 20.
Have a great learning week ahead.

1 comment:

  1. We are so impressed in Room 8 at all of the great learning you are doing Room 1. You are really lucky to have two teachers at the moment too! Keep up the great work.
